Top 10 Dog Poisons

In a typical year, there are over 100,000 cases of dogs being poisoned.  Most of these are by things in and around the home that are not harmful to humans.  Watch out for these ten poisons that can threaten the health of your dog.

1. People prescription medications.  Medications that are lifesaving to humans can kill dogs.  When your dog gets into your medications, it is a problem for everyone.  Never give one of your medications to your dog.  Make sure that you keep all your medicines where the dog cannot access them.

2. Insecticides. Thousands of dogs are poisoned every year by flea and tick medications.  This usually happens when a dog ingests a topical medication or too much of the insecticide is used on the dog.  Insecticides sprayed on the lawn or in the house can also poison the dog.  Make sure they are kept away from these for the recommended period.

3. Over-the-counter medications.  Just because something is sold over the counter, that doesn’t mean it is safe for your dog.  The largest category of poisonings here is from painkillers such as Alieve or Tylenol.  These are deadly to your dog.

4. Pet Medications. Just as many people are poisoned by people medications every year, pets are often poisoned by pet medications.  If the recommended dose is good, more is not better.  It may be deadly.

5. Household products. These range from bleach to antifreeze to cleaners.  Anything a puppy or dog can chew on or get on him can poison him.  Be sure to keep all your household products secured away from puppies and dogs to keep them safe.

6. People food.  There are many foods that people can eat that are deadly to dogs.  The most common is chocolate, but such diverse foods as avocados and macadamia nuts can kill your dog.  It is best to avoid feeding your dog people food and just feed them food and treats meant for them.

7. Chocolate.  As mentioned above, chocolate is the leading poisonous people food that dogs get into.  Never feed a dog real chocolate.

8.  Plants.  Dogs may chew or eat the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of plants and may become poisoned by them.  Several classes of plants account for the most poisonings:  Azaleas and rhododendrons, tulips and daffodils, and sago palms.  Teach your dogs not to chew on your plants and keep poisonous plants well out of reach.

9. Rodenticides.  Rat and mouse poison can kill dogs, too.  It causes them to bleed to death inside.  Always make sure that any rat or mouse poison is placed where your dogs cannot access it.  Eating the dead rat or mouse can also poison your pet, so dispose of dead rodents securely.

10. Lawn and garden products.  Dogs can get chemical burns from contact with fertilizers, can be poisoned by eating lawn and garden products, and can absorb them through their skin and die.  Make sure that the dog is not allowed near these products when they are being used.

If you think your dog has been poisoned, save any labels or parts of the poison left to show your veterinarian.  You can call animal poison control at (888) 426-4435 24 hours a day and, for a  $60 fee, get help immediately or you can contact your veterinarian.
