Basic training commands

Dog owners often misunderstand the reason for, and necessity of, basic training commands. First-time owners frequently approach commands as “tricks” rather than as tools to communicate with their dogs. Others skip formal obedience training altogether because they believe it takes too much time or demeans their dog. Teaching your dog training commands should be an essential part of your interactions…

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How to make dog training corrections

Corrections are an integral part of dog training basics. Because dogs can’t communicate in our own language, we have to make interactions with them easy to understand. This is done through binomial feedback. We offer only two possible outcomes in response to a particular command: we reward a dog for the right response (one possible outcome) or we correct him…

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Giving obedience training commands

Obedience commands allow you to connect with your dog and are the focus of dog training basics. Your tone of voice, gestures, and body language all determine whether your dog can understand you and respond accordingly. A good command can send your dog flying into action. A bad command will only lead to frustration. Ultimately, it’s all in how you…

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Dog training basics

Most people think dog obedience training only amounts to teaching a dog the meaning of words. However, to truly train your dog you have to make him understand why he should respond to your obedience commands. Only then will you be able to effectively communicate with him. The process isn’t difficult if you take a two-step approach to training.

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Your dog’s language

It’s important to understand dog language and how your dog communicates. You’ll gain insight into what he’s feeling and be able to interact with him in a way that he understands. This can make training easier, keep your dog from developing behavior problems, and deepen your relationship with him.

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