Choosing the right dog trainer

Joining a class taught by a professional dog trainer is an indispensable part of your dog’s obedience training. A professional can help you fine-tune the basics of obedience exercises and help you troubleshoot problems. A class setting also helps your dog learn to socialize and gives you an opportunity to meet other dog owners. Choosing a professional dog trainer isn’t…

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Teaching a dog to stay

One of the most difficult obedience training exercises for a dog to learn is usually the stay command. Rather than getting rewarded for a particular action, when teaching your dog to stay the reward comes when he does nothing. It can be a hard concept for him to understand at first, but with patience and consistent practice a sixty second…

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Teach your dog to sit on command

Training your dog to sit is one of the easiest and most useful exercises in obedience training. The sit command can solve a number of simple behavior problems and put your dog on the road to being well-mannered. It’s the equivalent of teaching him to say “please” before greeting guests, going outside, eating dinner, or doing any of the activities…

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How to make a dog heel

The purpose of teaching a dog to heel is to keep him by your side or slightly behind you so that he walks at your pace. Heeling can mean the difference between a leisurely walk around the block and being dragged down the sidewalk. As an obedience command, heeling is also useful on crowded streets and crosswalks where you want…

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Teaching your dog the down command

After your dog has learned to sit, you can build on his newfound knowledge to teach him to lay down on command. The down command is a great way to settle your dog if he gets too rambunctious. It can also keep him in place while you eat, clean the house, or do other things that don’t require the special…

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